Trade press release

GEA DairyRotor T8600: New conventional milking parlor with digital control

February 13, 2025

The new GEA DairyRotor T8600 rotary milking parlor: A robust and flexible milking system with currently up to 72 milking places, ideal for medium to large farms. It is suitable for barn and pasture milking worldwide. Source: GEA
The GEA DigiTron control units: These modern, networked systems with intuitive operation ensure an efficient and stress-free milking routine. For the first time, they offer real-time data management via the GEA DairyNet platform. Also shown in this picture: milking cluster with “Posiform light” and the “PosiSpring” with a basic cable guide. Source: GEA

The GEA DigiTron control units: These modern, networked systems with intuitive operation ensure an efficient and stress-free milking routine. For the first time, they offer real-time data management via the GEA DairyNet platform. Also shown in this picture: milking cluster with “Posiform light” and the “PosiSpring” with a basic cable guide. Source: GEA

Stress-free feeding during the milking process: Optimally adapted partitions and animal-friendly stainless steel troughs allow the cows to be fed with up to four solid and two liquid feed components as an option. Source: GEA

Stress-free feeding during the milking process: Optimally adapted partitions and animal-friendly stainless steel troughs allow the cows to be fed with up to four solid and two liquid feed components as an option. Source: GEA

Optimum teat cleaning with FutureCow including integrated LED light: teat preparation includes washing, disinfecting, stimulating and drying in just one step to ensure optimum udder health. Source: GEA

Optimum teat cleaning with FutureCow including integrated LED light: teat preparation includes washing, disinfecting, stimulating and drying in just one step to ensure optimum udder health. Source: GEA

ParlorView live view: All processes at the rotary milking parlor can be followed in real time via the optional touch screen. Key figures of the ongoing milking processes and individual animal data can be called up at any time. Source: GEA

ParlorView live view: All processes at the rotary milking parlor can be followed in real time via the optional touch screen. Key figures of the ongoing milking processes and individual animal data can be called up at any time. Source: GEA

Lilian Schmalenstroer


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