Our main location

8 Fisher Crescent, Mt Wellington
New Zealand
الهاتف:+64 9 276 2388
الفاكس:+64 9 259 0171

GEA Avapac – Hamilton

(GEA Avapac – Hamilton)
24 Evolution Drive, Horotiu
New Zealand
الهاتف:+64 7 849 3414
الفاكس:+64 7 849 3494

GEA Farmers Industries Ltd

(GEA Farmers Industries Ltd (FIL) – Mount Maunganui)
72 Portside Drive
3116Mount Maunganui
New Zealand
الهاتف:+64 7 575 2162
الفاكس:+64 7 575 2161

GEA Farm Technologies – Hamilton

(GEA Farm Technologies – Hamilton)
12-14 Quail Place
New Zealand
الهاتف:+64 7 843 1780
الفاكس:+64 7 843 1779

DairyRotor T8500

New Zealand farmer milking cows through a DairyRotor T8500 rotary

Refit your rotary with GEA

Our rotary platforms are made for tough work. With solid engineering, the bails are designed to take cows of all sizes and breeds and the on-platform automation means just one person can milk.

Selwyn Cleland -New Zealand Dairy Farmer

From teaching to farming: Selwyn’s path to milking productivity

After milking through the 14-year-old rotary for two seasons, Selwyn recognised that the existing setup was inefficient and underperforming. He opted for a rotary refit with GEA in June 2023.

Abe de Wolde is dedicated to growing healthy youngstock

GEA's role in Woldwide Dairy Group’s milking success

Milking through a 54-bail GEA DairyRotor T8500 rotary, Abe de Wolde is committed to reaching efficiency and production goals on his farms in New Zealand.

Stu Cameron - Dairy farm owner in New Zealand

Stu Cameron sees production gains with the DairyRotor T8500

With the goal to increase production and improve efficiency, Stu is confident the DairyRotor T8500 has the reliability and upgrade pathway to get him there.

CowScout Collars

Cow laying down in a paddock wearing a CowScout collar

CowScout heat and health collars

CowScout's activity monitoring technology combines heat detection and health tracking features, giving you the right tools to make the right decisions - at the right time.

Andrew Fullerton New Zealand farmer

Andrew Fullerton uses CowScout for ease of management

Over the last seven years of using CowScout, Andrew had seen more success during the mating season, achieved better management of herd health, and saved on time and money.

Arjun Singh New Zealand farm owner

CowScout lends Arjun Singh a helping hand

CowScout gives Arjun the advantage to know when feed rations need changing, insights into optimal insemination times, and better herd health management.

Milking and Consumables

iSPRAY-VISION walkover teat sprayer spraying cows udder

iSPRAY-VISION walkover teat sprayer

Designed for both herringbone and rotary systems, the iSPRAY-VISION delivers superior teat spray coverage with minimal waste.

GEA iSPRAY4 on-platform teat sprayer

iSPRAY4 on-platform teat sprayer

Perfect for rotary systems, the iSPRAY4 ensures each cow receives the right amount of teat spray before leaving the platform.

GEA ProFilter Milk Filter Socks and Sleeves

ProFilter socks and sleeves

High quality milk filters with stitched seam for maximised strength and filter area.

Dairy Effluent Solutions

GEA Manure Decanter

GEA Manure Decanter enhances sustainability on Canterbury farm

Craig Copland, an innovative dairy farmer in Canterbury, has successfully integrated GEA’s Manure Decanter system into his farming operations, improving pasture irrigation and sustainability.

Dairy effluent solutions for New Zealand farms

GEA dairy effluent management systems

GEA effluent management systems provide better effluent storage, giving you more flexibility with grazing and making valuable nutrients go further.

سجِّل لتلقي الأخبار من GEA

رؤى GEA

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA Service: شريان الحياة لخطوط الإنتاج العالمية

تعتمد على آلات GEA كل علبة رابعة من السباغيتي، وكل لتر ثاني من البيرة وكل ربع لتر من الحليب المعالج. عندما تحتاج خطوط الإنتاج إلى الاهتمام، تتدخل GEA Service لإصلاح المشكلات أو منع حدوثها من الأساس. من خلال الجمع بين المعرفة...

مرفق المضخات الجديدة في بولندا يعيد تشكيل التصنيع النظيف صحيًا

يضع مرفق GEA في كوزتسالين، بولندا، معيارًا جديدًا لإنتاج المضخات النظيفة صحيًا. يجمع الموقع متعدد الأغراض بين عقود من الخبرة الهندسية الألمانية والرقمنة المتقدمة والحلول القابلة للتطوير. خطوة جريئة لتلبية الاحتياجات المتزايدة...

تلقَّ الأخبار من GEA

ابق على تواصل مع ابتكارات وقصص GEA من خلال الاشتراك في النشرات المقدمة من GEA.

تواصل معنا

نحن هنا لمساعدتك! مع تفاصيل قليلة فقط سوف نكون قادرين على الرد على استفساراتك.