Solid Dosage

Hormones & steroids

With our comprehensive portfolio of oral solid dosage solutions, we can supply full process lines with containment — from powder to coated tablet — including interfaces for powders, APIs and excipient dispensing, dry milling, powder collection, blending and more.

Manufacturing Hormone and Steroid Drugs: Ensuring Operator Health and Safety

Steroids, endogenous hormones such as estrogen and testosterone and the adrenal cortex hormones, cortisol and aldosterone, play a key role in metabolic processes and have a number of pharmaceutical applications, including contraception, hormone therapy, antirheumatic, antiarthritic and bodybuilding preparations.

Predominantly used in global hormone replacement therapy, the three major segments comprise estrogen, growth and thyroid hormone, and testosterone replacement therapy. A major market driver is the increased awareness of postmenopausal hazards amongst women; others include an aging population, innovative drug delivery systems and the pharmerging economies.

Occupational steroid exposure can occur when the active ingredients are inhaled, ingested or absorbed through exposed skin. Although exposure can occur at any point in the production process, the greatest potential for worker exposure during steroid/hormonal drug production occurs during weighing, material transfer, equipment loading or milling.

Nevertheless, unit operations such as blending, granulation, drying, tablet compression and coating can also present hazards. It can even occur in the packaging area, during sampling and quality control, the testing of raw materials, intermediates and finished products, and during maintenance and cleaning.

Manufacturers have the responsibility to protect their operators, particularly those working with potent and toxic compounds, and set defined areas or controls necessary to eliminate the risk of product cross-contamination on a case-by-case basis.

GEA can help you to achieve these goals. From facility design and layout, manufacturing process controls (including adherence to standard operating procedures) and environmental control systems (HVAC) to extraction systems, industrial hygiene solutions and fully integrated, end-to-end containment solutions. We can advise and assist you to determine what level of containment is required where and when, optimizing the manufacturing process and making it efficient, safe and cost-effective.


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