
POWDEREYE® تحليل مسحوق على الخط

Even the smallest deviation in quality and consistency during the drying process can lead to problems, rejected product or loss of production time.

GEA’s range of process control and monitoring systems are designed to optimize your spray drying process, giving you the best possible return at the lowest cost of ownership. With a range of sophisticated features to increase output efficiency, save energy and monitor product quality, each system offers significant advantages and ways to improve your production — and your profitability.

GEA’s POWDEREYE® in-line analysis platform measures the main powder properties of the end product, including residual moisture content, dark particles and density, enabling supervision of the product quality from the control room as well as process optimization via advanced software such as GEA OptiPartner.

Positioned after the final drying stage, the patent pending POWDEREYE® continuously measures:

  • residual moisture 
  • dark particles (by hi-res imaging) 
  • bulk density
  • packed density 
  • protein and fat content (optional).

Constructed of stainless steel and fitted with an anti-static polypropylene sample cup, the POWDEREYE® is ATEX-compatible and issues operator warnings when out-of-specification conditions are detected, providing a basis for final product control and process adjustments.

 The autosampling function, operated by local touchscreen or from a SCADA system, collects a 200 mL aliquot from the product stream, which is presented to the test instruments and then either returned to the product flow or discharged through an external sample collection port.


  • optimize moisture content in the final powder
  • identify dark scorched particles (>=100 µm) before a dangerous situation arises
  • timed or on-demand reference sampling
  • limited powder handling
  • sensitive, repeatable and reliable testing.

POWDEREYE inline sampler & analyzer animation


فيديوهات ذات صلة

POWDEREYE inline sampler & analyzer animation

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