Lauter Tun Technology

تقنية LAUTERSTAR™ Lauter Tun

Up to 14 brews per day can be achieved with the LAUTERSTAR® 2.0

The LAUTERSTAR® 2.0 is tailor made according to the specific requirements of the customer. Important parameters such as diameter, bed loading or wort concentration are key considerations as we combine maximum efficiency with the highest possible quality to produce very low-turbidity wort. As a result, operating under optimal conditions and with suitable raw materials, up to 14 brews per day can be achieved with the LAUTERSTAR® 2.0.

Maximum performance with innovative technology

For decades, GEA has been at the forefront of enhanced lauter tun technology. Optimizing extract yields whilst at the same time, minimizing operating costs, means it’s no surprise that when it comes to total cost of ownership (TCO) considerations, the LAUTERSTAR® 2.0 performs much better than mash filters.

GEA’s engineers and brewing experts have applied their deep rooted know-how and expertise to advance the lautering technology, from the geometrically optimized wort run-off system up to the highly efficient raking machine. The result is a lauter tun that sets standards in terms of functionality and performance. 

Optimizing the lautering process with Multifunctional Lautering Management (MLM)

The Multifunctional Lautering Management (MLM) system enables automatic process adjustment to compensate for variations in raw material quality so there is no need for the brewmaster to spend time making recipe changes.

MLM provides intelligent control technology for the complex and sensitive lautering process so that you profit from shorter lautering times, higher yields and lower turbidity values. Variations in raw material quality are quickly detected and automatically balanced. Excellent results are no accident, but the result of consistently applied know-how.

Upgrading to the latest technology

GEA can bring your existing system up to the performance standards of the LAUTERSTAR® 2.0. Customers can choose between higher yields, faster throughput speeds (capacity) or a mixture of both. For example, yield increases of up to 2 percentage points have been achieved. Likewise, optimizing the lauter tun shortens the lautering process (and ancillary steps) and leads to a higher brewhouse capacity.

Benefits at a glance

  • Highly efficient with low life cycle cost
  • High extraction efficiency
  • Up to 14 brews per day
  • MLM provides intelligent control technology


رؤى GEA

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