Steeping conditioned milling concept

نظام الطحن MILLSTAR™

MILLSTAR® stands for convincing performance in the brewhouse. In terms of capacity, it can compete with any other milling system and method. In addition, it requires comparably low capital expenditure and has an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

Four decades of practical experience have established the efficiency of GEA‘s steeping conditioned milling concept which combines the benefits of conventional wet and dry milling. With this method an almost perfect husk conservation is obtained along with optimal grinding of the endosperm, which provides numerous advantages for your brewing process and your final product beer.

Performance creates efficiency


The MILLSTAR® is known for its convincing performance in the brewhouse. With regard to capacity, it can compete with any other milling system and method, requiring a comparably low capital expenditure with an excellent cost-benefit ratio.

No compromises on beer quality

GEA MILLSTAR Milling System

With its special milling method and gentle grain treatment, the MILLSTAR® contributes to a higher wort quality. Instead of finely grinding the grain, it is crushed in a way that ensures optimal extraction and subsequent wash-out in the lauter tun. This not only enables higher lauter tun loads, it also — owing to the smaller surface area and fast processing — makes the crushed grain less susceptible to oxidation and preserves both the quality and flavor stability of the beer.

Compact design, easy upgrade

Designed for convenience, the MILLSTAR® is available in seven different sizes. Steeping conditioning, crushing and mashing-in take place in one unit. Owing to its compact footprint, the space requirements are much lower than for conventional dry milling systems.

GEA Crushing Roller Regrooving Service

GEA is your reliable partner for the entire life cycle of your plant. This also includes regrooving the crushing rollers installed on your MILLSTAR® or other wet milling system. Our partnership provides quality, safety and sustainability.

Example MILLSTAR® 40t/h

Regrooving by third party contractorRegrooving by GEA
Possible number of regrooving cycles812
Operating hours between regroovings1,2501,250
Total operating hours10,00015,000

Benefits at a glance

  • Eccentric screw pump for mashing-in: malt to water ratios of up to 1:2 (without rinsing) can be reliably handled
  • Level control in mash hopper for low oxygen uptake
  • Quality automation system: feed roller speed control based on grist throughput rates provides adjusted steeping time for ‘harder’ malt batches (standard for MILLSTAR® 5–40 t)
  • Steeping water temperature and flow are individually adjustable (standard for MILLSTAR® 5–40 t)
  • Precise and easy adjustment of the crushing roller gap
  • Large rollers for optimal crushing and husk conservation
  • On request, inert gas flushing can be accommodated
  • Less ATEX protection measures required because of the wet grist

What makes the MILLSTAR® so special

  • Hygienic design ensures simple and efficient cleaning
  • Eccentric screw pump for mashing-in: malt to water ratios of up to 1:2 (without rinsing) can be reliably handled
  • Level control in mash hopper for low oxygen uptake
  • Optimized spray geometry to reduce mash flotation
  • Quality automation system: feed roller speed control based on grist throughput rates provides adjusted steeping time for ‘harder’ malt batches (standard for MILLSTAR® 5–40 t)
  • Steeping water temperature and flow are individually adjustable (standard for MILLSTAR® 5–40 t)
  • Precise and easy adjustment of the crushing roller gap
  • Large rollers for optimal crushing and husk conservation
  • Mash acidification is possible directly in the mill
  • On request, inert gas flushing can be accommodated
  • Less ATEX protection measures required because of the wet grist


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