Carbonation system for beer and beer mix

نظام الكربنة DICAR-B من GEA

The GEA carbonating system type DICAR-B has been designed for continuous high-accuracy carbonation of beer and beer mix and is mainly applied in the brewing industry.

The system is cabled and tested and mounted on a base frame consisting of the following components:

  • Saturator and saturating pipe section 
  • In-line CO2-meter 
  • CO2-monitoring valve 
  • Operating unit

The CO2 content required for the beverage is set on the operator's control and display unit. Via the saturator CO2 is added to the product and dispersed to permit a physical absorption in the following saturating pipe section. The actual CO2 content is checked by the CO2 meter at the end of the saturating pipe section. The controller causes a permanent setpoint-to-actual value comparison and a respective adjustment of the control valve for CO2.

For monitoring the product, the carbonating system can be completed by some analyzers (e.g. for original gravity or alcohol content).

Key benefits

  • High precision of 0.1 g/l CO2
  • Ratio control and/or targeting control for CO2
  • Short assembly and commissioning time, as the units are factory-tested
  • Simple integration into existing system


  • Single-stage carbonation up to the saturation value
  • CO2 content measurement 
  • Direct CO2 control
  • Accurate CO2 dispersion 
  • Easy operation 


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