The next generation of dry hopping technology
A plug-and-play dry hopping skid for breweries wishing to optimize their processes and produce individual beers with a unique aroma profile in a more resource-efficient way.
Industrial trials showed, that extraction efficiencies and raw material demand can be decreased by up to 30–50 % compared with static processes. In addition, hop solids are retained inside the unit by sedimentation, which reduces beer losses to a minimum.
The GEA HOPSTAR® Dry is a fully automated plug-and-play unit that can easily be integrated into existing cellars and connected to CCTs. The unit is accomplished by an additional self-cleaning filter and a GEA liquid jet mixer in the connected CCTs. The skid has a standalone unit control and interfaces for signal exchange with the periphery. The unit comes in a number of standard sizes for hop loads up to 750 kg (larger batch sizes upon request).
After hops are manually loaded into the extraction vessel, the fully automatic process begins with a dynamic extraction step supported by a low-shear force agitator inside the vessel.
The aroma enriched beer is transferred in the CCT and replaced by a fresh batch, while a sedimentation step is used to keep a majority of the solids in the HOPSTAR® Dry extractor. The extraction and transfer step is repeated until all desired aroma oils are transferred.
The HOPSTAR® Dry enables soaking, dissolving and sedimentation times to be adjusted, as well as extraction cycle parameters, according to product characteristics such as hop product, variety or desired aroma profile. To ensure the highest quality of the dry hopped beer the system is kept under CO2 atmosphere to avoid oxygen uptake during the dry hopping process.
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