GEA G-Plex®

GEA G-Plex — our new automation product (coming soon)

GEA G-Plex®

GEA G-Plex® is a new, proprietary, user-friendly, electronic module that provides built-in, automatic, optimal volume ratio (Vi) control and on-site and off-site monitoring of the performance of the compressor. G-Plex helps to increase efficiency and reduce energy usage while providing real-time information about compressor operating conditions and it’s easy to integrate into an existing control system via hardwiring and/or use of Modbus TCP communication.

Key features

  • Enabler for GEA Cloud® and other cloud-based digital solutions
  • Main interface via Wi-Fi connection using your own mobile device
  • Onboard I/O
  • Prewired sensors and actuators
GEA G-Plex® on a screw compressor controlled via wireless device

GEA G-Plex® is a new, proprietary, WiFi-based, electronic module that provides built-in, automatic, optimal volume ratio (Vi) control and on-site and off-site monitoring of the performance of the compressor. This helps to reduce energy use while providing real-time information about the compressor operating conditions.

Key functions & benefits

  • Increased efficiency with automated variable Vi / capacity control
  • Increased awareness of system operation via condition monitoring, safety alerts, and historical data logging, based on available sensors
  • Clearly visualized compressor performance data via operator’s mobile device
  • Full communication via commonly used Modbus TCP using a LAN Ethernet connection
  • Achieve enhanced efficiency and safe operation in combination with existing control systems

Products may not be available in all areas.
G-Plex® is a registered trademark in several countries worldwide.

منتجات الخدمة

GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors

GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors

Welcome to the world of simplicity with GEA Service Kits for reciprocating compressors. Our mission is clear - to make your experience with original spare parts seamless and your operations smoother than ever. "Take it easy, use a kit" is not just a tagline – it is a promise we deliver on.

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مجموعة التحويل GEA Grasso

GEA Compressor Conversion Kit (GCCK)

Update your existing screw compressor packages

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يزيد من الكفاءة، ويحسّن خصائص كل منشأة صناعية للتبريد.

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