Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA SETO Gas PreTreatment

State-of-the-art flue gas pretreatment system for improved stability and performance in Carbon Capture systems. Discover GEA's comprehensive solutions for the capture of solids, aerosols, sulfur and nitrogen oxides and more.

The image shows the SETO Direct Contact Cooler by GEA.

Maximizing Efficiency: Advantages of SETO gas pretreatment in Carbon Capture Technology

The decarbonization of heavy industries is leading to an increase in flue gas cleaning, requirements beyond current standards. Achieving success with Carbon Capture plants requires further investment in flue gas treatment. GEA has decades of expertise in flue gas processing and treatment and is your ideal engineering partner for upgrading existing plants or supplying new gas pretreatment plants in combination with Carbon Capture initiatives. Choose GEA for seamless integration and optimal performance.

Why SETO gas pretreatment is crucial for Carbon Capture plants

The SETO gas pretreatment of flue gas ensures that the necessary inlet conditions of Carbon Capture plants are met, especially concerning the reduction of trace contaminants and gas conditioning. It combines all essential process steps of cooling/condensation and the customized configuration of a suitable gas cleaning line to address the specifics of the individual flue gases. Depending on the gas composition, a reduction of NOx, SOx, as well as particulate impurities and other components, is typically required.

Advantages of SETO gas pretreatment for Carbon Capture plants

The integration of SETO gas pretreatment with GEA Carbon Capture Technologies minimizes solvent degradation in the chemical absorption process, leading to decreased solvent consumption. In addition, it mitigates the risk of deposits in the CO2 capture system, resulting in significant reductions in maintenance costs. Advanced gas cleaning, which is essential for the removal of particulate emissions, protects the equipment and prevents secondary emissions.

SETO gas pretreatment enables reduced operating costs and ensures stable, reliable operation of the Carbon Capture system.

Challenges and solutions: Technical implementation of SETO gas pretreatment

The technical implementation of SETO gas pretreatment systems is tailored to the presence of specific pollutant traces that need to be removed, and to the entire gas flow to be treated.

The aim of SETO gas pretreatment is to efficiently fulfill the necessary gas purification tasks in a single step. Depending on specific needs, a range of devices like the flue gas condenser (FGC), direct contact cooler (DCC), wet electrostatic precipitator (wetESP), or cartridge filter systems (CFS) can be used.

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