Efficient low-shear liquid mixing for beverages

GEA Liquid Jet Mixing System

The GEA Liquid Jet Mixing System is perfect for efficient mixing of low-viscosity liquids in the beverage industry. It ensures consistent product quality, improved homogeneity, and energy savings. With easy installation and reliable, wear-free operations, it supports natural mixing processes and is ideal for tanks with challenging dimensions.

GEA Liquid Jet Mixing System for Brewing
Liquid jet mixers are jet pumps driven by a liquid jet. Their lack of moving parts makes them an efficient, reliable and effective solution for increased consistency when mixing, cooling and fermenting liquids. The GEA liquid jet mixing system is suitable for various low-viscosity, tank-based mixing applications in the beverage industry. The pre-assembled solutions are easy to install and consist of two standardized modules: The lance with GEA liquid jet mixer and the process adapter with GEA VARIVENT® angular housing or GEA VARINLINE® tank connection
Increased consistency and efficiency when mixing, cooling and fermenting beer and alcoholic beverages
  • Constantly high product quality with a uniform flavor profile
  • Reduced risk of settlement of suspended solids in the tank cone
  • Increased compound homogeneity and temperature uniformity in the product
  • No thermal or material stratification in tank
  • Higher consistency in fermentation achievable
  • Shorter cooling times achievable in tanks with jacket cooling or external cooling
  • Lower energy input, compared to rotating mixing systems
  • More precise production planning possible due to uniform process times


GEA Low Shear Liquid Jet Mixing


Jet mixers are simple and reliable in operation

  • No moving parts, free from wear and fully cleanable.

Low-shear jet mixing

  • Perfectly supports the upward flow and natural mixing process in vertical, cylindrical fermenters.
  • Minimum mechanical stress applied to the compound.
  • Especially suitable for tanks with unfavorable filling height-to-diameter ratio.

Easy installation

  • Completely pre-assembled modules, easy to retrofit.
  • Installation either from the bottom in the tank outlet or laterally.
  • Lance can be segmented by means of special GEA Twin Seal pipe unions.

Low energy input

  • The liquid jet to be applied by a centrifugal pump represents only about 25 % of the total liquid mixture generated, while the jet mixer itself generates about 75 % of it in the tank.


The GEA Liquid Jet Mixing System has already successfully proven its performance in the following applications.


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