The GEA OptiRobot 6000 is a new robot picker solution that offers maximum automation, low labor costs and high flexibility. It enables the automatic loading of packaging machines with differently shaped portions in various arrangements. The optional vision system and fast gripper exchange mechanism improve efficiency and reduce downtime. The integrated GEA OptiBuffer system ensures higher performance and faster reloading times.
GEA’s new robot picker solution GEA OptiRobot 6000 meets customer demands for the highest degree of automation combined with super-low labor costs and maximum flexibility. That means higher line effectiveness than ever. The new robot enables differently shaped portions (stacked, shingled, overlapped, etc.) to be loaded into a packaging machine with any kind of laying pattern – all fully automatically. Our state-of-the art gripper concept features the latest 3D technology plus an outstanding exchange mechanism for quick and easy exchange. Integrated seamlessly into our line solutions, it can be operated through any GEA SmartControl HMI.
The optional state-of-the-art vision system detects each individual portion before entering the loading area to ensure only good portions are loaded into the preformed packages. This can substantially reduce costly line stoppages. Last but not least, the new gripper exchange mechanism significantly reduces downtime by delivering the shortest change over times for different products.
The GEA OptiBuffer is an integrated, dynamic and intelligent buffer system which guarantees higher performance and faster slicer reloading times.
• High speed and versatility: product portions with different portion shapes (shingled, stacked, turned, overlapped, etc.) are automatically loaded into packaging machine
• Unbeatable integration with other GEA line solutions
• Easy to operate using any SmartControl panel in a line (no extra panel required)
• State-of-the-art gripper technology
• Short changeover times for different products thanks to new gripper exchange mechanism
• Attractive footprint
• Strong construction enables accurate positioning
Optimal efficiency because only good portions reach loading area:
Delta picker:
New gripper technology:
The GEA DualSlicer is the best high-speed slicing machine – mainly for cheese, raw ham and cooked ham applications – with respect to slicing quality, high performance, low give-away, high yield, easy and flexible operation.
The GEA OptiSlicer 6000 is the optimal high-speed slicing machine - mainly for regular shaped products like calibrated sausage, salami, raw/ cooked ham and cheese – with respect to slicing and portioning quality, high yield slicing, high performance, easy and flexible operations.
توفر ماكينة التغليف بالتشكيل الحراريGEA PowerPak PLUS المتميزة أقصى قدر من التحكم في عمليات التشكيل والتعبئة والختم من أجل جودة أفضل للعبوة وقدرة إنتاج أعلى وسهولة الوصول والمناولة من قِبل المستخدمين. يضمن هذا الهيكل القوي نظافة أفضل ويقلل من تكاليف التشغيل مع توفير مرونة عالية.
GEA OptiRobot 6000 highlighting application flexibility
GEA OptiRobot 6000 highlighting fish application
GEA OptiRobot 6000 highlighting shingled cheese
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