Everything you need to know about cow traffic and how cows move in the barn and to and from the milking robot.
The GEA RoboRebel feed pusher takes an innovative approach to pushing up feed. By optimizing feed movement, cows have access to the highest-quality feed.
Alfalawn Farm had been cleaning his GEA SlopeScreen a few different ways, but none of them were getting the job done to his level of satisfaction. That's when he discovered the new GEA OptiClean.
ITAQ in Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, will host the GEA DairyRobot R9500 milking robot for the next three years
Easier serviceability, less required service, quicker diagnostics plus, new software minimizes box times so you can milk more cows per box or achieve more milkings per day.
It's hard to paint a clear picture of what makes a good employee. Every dairy farm has a different idea in mind, and they're not all looking for the same employee. However, the GEA alley scraper system has some important qualities that most dairy farm owners are looking for.
GEA DairyMilk M6710 automatic detacher features a highly accurate ICAR-approved milk meter to supply the most precise data possible. In addition, the M6710 does official milk sampling and testing quickly and efficiently, with no need for additional meters.
Anmeldung für den GEA-Newsletter
Der Klimawandel und das Wachstum der Weltbevölkerung setzen die energieintensive Lebensmittelindustrie zunehmend unter Druck: Sie muss mehr Menschen versorgen, ohne die Umwelt weiter zu belasten. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager bei GEA, zeigt, wie Ingenieurskunst Lebensmittelproduktion zugleich nachhaltiger und effizienter macht.
Die Weltbevölkerung wächst und mit ihr die Nachfrage nach Milch. Milchprodukte sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil vieler globaler Ernährungsgewohnheiten. Ihre Produktion kann jedoch ressourcenintensiv sein und Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt haben. Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies bei GEA, erläutert, wie technologische Innovationen von GEA die Milchproduktion effizienter, rentabler und nachhaltiger machen.