CIP system for small to medium sized breweries
CIP solutions that meet critical hygiene standards to ensure product safety at every point of the brewing process. The GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station addresses the CIP requirements of all small to medium sized breweries.
Ensuring a consistently high product quality requires a dependable and efficient cleaning-in-place (CIP) process for machinery, tanks, and the pipe network. Tailored for small to medium-sized craft breweries and designed to complement brewhouses, the GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station offers a pre-engineered solution to facilitate the distribution of CIP media across the entire brewery plant. With its modular design, the GEA CIP-STAR® Craft Station can be easily customized to meet specific cleaning requirements.
CRAFT-STAR® rahmenmontiert für mittelgroße Craft-Brauereien mit einer Ausschlagmenge von 40 hl (35 US bbl).
CRAFT-STAR® rahmenmontiert für kleine Craft-Brauereien mit einer Ausschlagmenge von 20 hl (17 US bbl).
COMPACT-STAR® für mittelgroße und Spezialbierbrauereien mit einer Ausschlagmenge von 40 bis 115 hl (35 bis 100 US bbl)
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