CO2 savings come from reducing fossil fuel demand either by increasing energy efficiency or by separating CO2 from flue gas streams along with long-term fixation in valuable products or storage. GEA offers products and processes for all relevant stages.
Saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions are investments that will not only provide competitive advantages in the face of increasing costs for CO2 emissions but will also help preserve the environment for future generations.
GEA contributes to take action against climate change with its Emission Control Technologies and focusses on providing waste heat recovery equipment for off-gas streams, advanced gas purification technologies for the treatment of gases prior to CO2 separation units and CO2 separation solutions to help clients be prepared for the transition from the fossil-based to a low-carbon economy while obtaining value on top, thanks to GEA´s CO2 reutilization strategies.
GEA has an available pilot unit that allows customers to test GEA´s CO2 separation technology with the actual gas matrix at their own premises. This offers the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by either operating the unit independently or by closely monitoring the operation of the unit.
GEA targets markets and applications in the manufacturing industry, where unavoidable process-related CO2 emissions are expected on the long-term.
Besides, GEA also intends to contribute in the field of energy or chemicals production from biomass along with the possibility to realize net negative anthropogenic CO2 emissions through utilizing or removing biogenic CO2 from the global carbon cycle.
Zeigt 3 von 3 an
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