Ausrüstung zur Qualitätskontrolle

A critical part of any powder packing plant is the QA/QC procedure. GEA offers standardized solutions to process filled bags through a powder packing line whilst performing important quality control operations.

GEA packing lines are configured to meet the specific requirements of the customer. Once the bag is filled and closed, it is passed to the bag handling equipment for processing and quality checks before being palletized.

Powdered food and dairy products, for example, must be checked for conformance with production parameters — such as weight accuracy or contamination — before they reach the finished product store. 

Containers that do not conform to weights and measures regulations are rejected. An operator can then take remedial action. This is usually limited to discarding or reprocessing of product.

A more critical non-conformance is that of contamination from foreign bodies. GEA offers sensitive, fully integrated metal detection or X-ray systems that ensure that the finished product leaving the production line is free from potentially harmful contaminants.

In the event of a positive result, our integrated line control system will automatically stop the powder filling process and immediately alert the plant operator to take action.

Standard solutions include
  • large aperture metal detectors
  • X-ray metal detectors
  • automatic container rejection
  • coding systems
  • check-weighers
  • bag reject units
  • bag turners, kickers and flatteners
Optional connectivity of the check-weighing and bag coding equipment enable both local and remote monitoring, and data analysis, using the customer's own SCADA system.


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