Highly integrated solutions for continuous wet granulation, drying and tablet compression, the ConsiGma® GC lines offer all the advantages of continuous manufacturing: supply chain agility, small footprint, controlled granulation and improved quality.
Available in 3 standard sizes, depending on the desired throughput (from 5 to 120 kg/h or 20,000 to 180,000 tablets/h to be verified by testing), the systems can be customized with a number of options to suit customer needs.
The Conductor 4.0 software ensures seamless control of the entire process and provides full reporting and track & trace.
Mainly targeted towards high value products (low dose API), orphan drugs and new chemical entities, the systems can be equipped with cleaning and containment features to handle highly potent formulations.
Read more about how GEA and its partners are implementing this technology to lead the way toward smaller, more flexible, continuous processing technologies that are transforming the future of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
A highly integrated solution for continuous linear blending and direct compression, the ConsiGma® DC-LB lines offer all the advantages of continuous manufacturing: supply chain agility, small footprint, controlled blending and compression and improved quality.
The ConsiGma® GD 25/80 offers standalone continuous twin-screw granulation and drying for small-scale R&D operations. It allows users to develop the process and achieve high granule quality on a compact unit.
The ConsiGma® TC modules are based on the GEA high-performance tablet coating technology that gently and accurately deposits controlled amounts of coating materials onto tablet cores — even if they are hygroscopic or friable.
All MODUL tablet presses are based on the Exchangeable Compression Module (ECM) concept. The ECM is completely isolated from the remainder of the machine, contains all product contact parts and can easily be removed from the press in a contained way. This means that the press itself remains powder-free and requires no cleaning.
Als der südkoreanische Lebensmittelhersteller Pulmuone die F&E-Experten von GEA vor die Herausforderung stellte, eine moderne Variante der traditionellen kalten bissfesten Nudeln (Naengmyeon) zu entwickeln, waren sie sofort zur Stelle. Ihr Beitrag war entscheidend bei der Entwicklung dessen, was heute ein Verkaufsschlager ist und mit weniger Wasser und Energie hergestellt wird als mit herkömmlichen Methoden. Und das Ergebnis bleibt den traditionellen Ursprüngen des Gerichts und den Wurzeln von Pulmuone in Punkten wie Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Nachhaltigkeit treu.
Im weltweiten Ringen um Wassersicherheit leisten GEA-Technologien zum Einsparen und Aufbereiten von Wasser einen wichtigen Beitrag. Sie helfen, den Verbrauch zu senken, Verschwendung zu vermeiden und Verschmutzung zu reduzieren – in Fabriken, Landwirtschaftsbetrieben und Städten auf der ganzen Welt.