Modular centrifugal process lines for the efficient dehydration and desalting of crude oil

GEA Crude Oil Treatment Systems

With the Crude Oil Treatment System, GEA has designed a flexible but easy-to-integrate solution for the continuous treatment of crude oil in various process setups in upstream and downstream processes.

Crude oil treatment

Online calculator

Depending on your individual feed and process conditions, our online tool gives you an initial indication of possible installation options.

Online questionnaire

Specify your inquiry with your setup and requirements and help us to find the optimum solution for you right from the start

Are you facing increasing water cuts?

Our solution for your challenge:
Upstream installation

Is your performance affected by a decreasing API?

Our solution for your challenge: Parallel installation

Are you reaching economic limits with (extra) heavy crude oils?

Our solution for your challenge: Stand-alone installation

Does your refinery want to convert off-spec crude oil into a full-value product?

Our solution for your challenge: Tank-to-tank installation

GEA Separation Technology

More than 130 years of leading expertise and engineering excellence for future-proof mechanical separation technology systems.

Process engineering and test units

Customer-specific solutions and trials

Value-adding service options

GEA is your service partner along the complete life cycle

Oil & Gas portfolio

Discover all the mechanical separation solutions we offer

OTC Offshore Technology Conference

Meet us at OTC 2024

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