Everything you need to know about cow traffic and how cows move in the barn and to and from the milking robot.
The GEA RoboRebel feed pusher takes an innovative approach to pushing up feed. By optimizing feed movement, cows have access to the highest-quality feed.
ITAQ in Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, will host the GEA DairyRobot R9500 milking robot for the next three years
Easier serviceability, less required service, quicker diagnostics plus, new software minimizes box times so you can milk more cows per box or achieve more milkings per day.
It's hard to paint a clear picture of what makes a good employee. Every dairy farm has a different idea in mind, and they're not all looking for the same employee. However, the GEA alley scraper system has some important qualities...
GEA DairyMilk M6710 automatic detacher features a highly accurate ICAR-approved milk meter to supply the most precise data possible. In addition, the M6710 does official milk sampling and testing quickly and efficiently, with...
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Unas vacas saludables son la clave de una producción lechera exitosa y sostenible. Mantener sanas a sus vacas, por tanto, está en el centro del esfuerzo de todo ganadero. Muchos factores influyen en el bienestar de una vaca,...
La industria global se está esforzando por cumplir los objetivos de cero emisiones netas mientras se topa con estrictas normativas y legislaciones de descarbonización. Al mismo tiempo, las empresas deben equilibrar las crecientes...
Café, cacao, leche, carne, pescado y huevos: estos productos de primera necesidad dependen en gran medida de la agricultura intensiva. Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías alimentarias, disponemos de alternativas más sostenibles....