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We enable our customers to successfully grow into a sustainable future by providing a digital and open ecosystem for all their operations with us.

Niklas Demke

Product Owner GEA Portal, Business Transformation, GEA Digital | GEA Digital Hub

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GEA Cloud: Your home base on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

GEA SmartFiltration: un producto de servicio digital que utiliza la IoT (Internet de las cosas) industrial para la filtración por membranas.

GEA SmartFiltration

GEA SmartFiltration es un producto de servicio digital que aplica los conceptos de IoT (Internet de las cosas) industrial a la filtración por membranas.

GEA InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. The cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring. It analyzes equipment performance and reveals unused potential and can increase the longevity of the assets. Source: GEA

GEA launches real-time monitoring solution for food processing technology at Anuga FoodTec

GEA, a global leader in engineering solutions for the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries, is launching a new cloud-based web application for food processing and packaging lines at the Anuga FoodTec trade show, taking place in Cologne, Germany, from March 19 to 22, 2024. GEA InsightPartner for the food processing industry is the latest addition to its digital product family and uses machine data to provide flexible responses to production challenges.

The app provides deeper insights into which and how many warnings and shutdowns have appeared based on a chosen timeframe, differentiating into open warnings and shutdowns as well as already solved ones that have appeared in the chosen timeframe.

GEA InsightPartner Blu-Red Care

GEA InsightPartner Blu-Red Care aborda los puntos débiles cotidianos, aumentando la transparencia sobre el funcionamiento de la máquina, proporciona datos relevantes para aclarar o incluso evitar avisos, así como para notificarle de manera proactiva sobre los problemas venideros basándose en las tendencias de datos. GEA Blu-Red Care ofrece un enfoque innovador para el mantenimiento de su planta de refrigeración: ser notificado proactivamente con la información correcta a mano.

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