Trade press release

GEA industrial heat pumps are at the heart of the heat transition at the Berlin-Neukoelln district heating plant

March 04, 2024

The Neukoelln district heating plant relies on two GEA large heat pumps for the "ecological-social energy transition" project. (Photo: GEA/ Cem Yücetas)
Higher target temperatures, an extended output range, maximum efficiency and therefore greater sustainability at lower costs - these are the benefits offered by the models in the GEA RedGenium heat pump series. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Higher target temperatures, an extended output range, maximum efficiency and therefore greater sustainability at lower costs - these are the benefits offered by the models in the GEA RedGenium heat pump series. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

GEA RedGenium heat pumps are used for industrial applications where process heat is required for local supply or district heating networks thanks to better target temperature and optimized performance range.  Here Tim Fiedler, Project Management, Control & Permits Neukoelln CHP Plant, Tim Lennart Scheuermann, GEA Sales Support Engineer and Jiayi Ding, GEA Sales Application Engineer (from left to right) talk about the RedGenium large heat pump. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

GEA RedGenium heat pumps are used for industrial applications where process heat is required for local supply or district heating networks thanks to better target temperature and optimized performance range. Here Tim Fiedler, Project Management, Control & Permits Neukoelln CHP Plant, Tim Lennart Scheuermann, GEA Sales Support Engineer and Jiayi Ding, GEA Sales Application Engineer (from left to right) talk about the RedGenium large heat pump. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Tim Fiedler, Project Management, Control & Approvals, Neukoelln CHP plant, at the GEA Omni Panel control system. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Tim Fiedler, Project Management, Control & Approvals, Neukoelln CHP plant, at the GEA Omni Panel control system. (Photo: GEA/Cem Yücetas)

Dr. Michael Golek


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