GEA IO - One control for every centrifuge

The control system GEA IO has been designed as intuitive as possible. Displays have been consistently streamlined, the symbols are self-explanatory, and the color code is based on international standards.

GEA IO for all GEA Separators and Decanters

Pantalla de operación GEA IO

In order to reduce complexity and to focus on user-friendliness, GEA IO control is available for every GEA separator and decanter – for every kind of application.

Preventive service indication

GEA IO Preventive Service Schedule

Excellent equipment is one thing, the right service is another. With several options of the new service concept “GEA Service – For your continued success”, GEA supports you throughout the entire life cycle of your installed systems and components. GEA IO allows you to have a perfect insight into the maintenance schedules to run your equipment in the most optimal conditions.

Size matters

GEA IO Panel Sizes

GEA IO is able to offer much more than today`s control units. This means, that a wide range of sizes is now available in a much more intuitive manner suiting your specific needs. GEA touch panel available sizes are 4, 7, 9 and 15 inch.

GEA IO installed on a decanter

GEA IO Installed on a Decanter


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