Cell culture clarification with minimum effort

GEA kytero® Single use centrifuges

The GEA kytero® series consists of single use disk stack centrifuges designed for efficient, gentle cell harvesting.

GEA kytero® - Maximum yield

Maximum yield

Our single use centrifuges for gentle cell treatment ensure highly viable cell harvesting and maximum performance.

GEA kytero® - Fast setup

Fast setup

The single use units are ready in minutes for process testing or small-scale production. No cleaning required, no special training.

GEA kytero® - Compact design

Compact design

The space-saving GEA kytero® skids and tabletop units fit with ease in any cleanroom.

GEA kytero® - Seamless upscaling

Seamless upscaling

Transfer test results from R&D to production with no effort, using the same state-of-the-art disk stack technology throughout.

GEA kytero® K10

GEA kytero® 10

World’s smallest single use disk stack centrifuge

Fully scalable GEA kytero® series for single use

World's first from GEA – kytero® 10 with a new machine design

GEA kytero® 10 single use centrifuge in operation

GEA kytero® 500

GEA kytero® 500

Single use disk stack separation – for small/medium-scale facilities

GEA kytero Separator 2000

GEA kytero® 2000

Single use disk stack separation – for medium/large-scale facilities

GEA kytero® - Reduced dependency

Reduced dependency

Single use centrifuges avoid extensive cleaning and validation and reduce dependency on filtration.

GEA kytero® - Secure biocontainment

Secure biocontainment

100% biocontainment-proof, closed pathways and contactfree Breezedrive® system minimize risks and ensure safe, leakage-free operation.

GEA kytero® - Flexible production

Flexible production

All GEA kytero® machines can be operated in fed-batch harvesting and/or high-yield perfusion mode to realize diverse production strategies.

GEA kytero® - Numerous products

Numerous products

GEA kytero® units efficiently separate pharma compounds, food proteins or gene therapy cells from mammalian cell or bacterial fermentation broth.

GEA kytero® - Faster delivery

Faster delivery

The operation efficiency of these single use units enables faster R&D and production results.

GEA kytero® - Next generation

Next generation

The GEA kytero® concept offers a low-investment gateway to the next generation of process and development.

GEA kytero® - Test machines available now!

GEA kytero® 500 tested at CDMO ProBioGen

GEA kytero® 500 tested at ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences

GEA kytero® - Download the whitepaper

Download the ProBioGen study and ZHAW study whitepapers

Vídeos relacionados

Benefits of single use disk stack technology over depth filtration and bottle centrifugation

Fully scalable GEA kytero® series for single use

GEA kytero Separator - working principle disk stack


GEA Insights

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