Rethink lube oil treatment

GEA ecomarine Separator

The GEA ecomarine Separator is a manual cleaning centrifuge engineered for efficient lube oil treatment. This separator significantly reduces energy costs and offers a more economical and environmentally sustainable alternative to filter systems. Its design ensures optimal operational efficiency while minimizing environmental impact and reducing total life cycle costs.

GEA ecomarine Separator

Go easy.
Go manual.
Go clean.

The GEA ecomarine Separator is a manual cleaning machine, but don't let the term "manual" mislead you – this process is simple and hassle-free.

Unlike self-cleaning separators, which require complex installations with operating water, advanced automation systems, and sludge tank connections, the ecomarine Separator offers a streamlined, efficient solution. It not only simplifies maintenance but also delivers significant energy cost savings, making it a more economical and environmentally friendly choice compared to self-cleaning separators and filter systems.

50 % cost advantage

The innovative design of the GEA ecomarine Separator offers several significant advantages over traditional filter options.

Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator

Pushing the limits

The GEA marine Separator, with its integrated direct drive, offers ultra-simple servicing and smart connectivity in a compact design. With double service intervals, a 20-minute clean time, and easy drive exchanges, it ensures fast, efficient maintenance and top performance in the marine market.


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