Cleaning-in-Place for Pharma Applications
Clean-in-Place (CIP) and Sterilize-in-Place (SIP) systems are designed to both automate essential cleaning and disinfection processes and remove the need for time-consuming disassembly and assembly work.
The most effective way to implement CIP technology is to design it into a process. Incorporating spray systems, tank cleaners, nozzles and seals to automate the cleaning process, we at GEA consider every aspect of your system when applying CIP features, from inlet to discharge.
Automating the cleaning cycle essentially converts batch pharmaceutical processes into a continuous operation of production and cleaning cycles. The advantages of CIP include
At the heart of our CIP system is an advanced Wash Liquid Preparation Unit, which handles all filtering, preheating, mixing and pumping of water, detergents and demineralized water. It provides continuous monitoring and control of cleaning parameters, including flow rate, detergent concentration, temperature and wash time for full process validation.
In today's pharmaceutical processes, integrated CIP solutions play a key role: from system skid selection to identifying the intended targets and required parameters. Variables such as temperature, velocity/pressure, chemical concentration and exposure time can all be controlled using a programmable GEA CIP skid to deliver reliable, repeatable and verifiable results.
Our CIP/WIP system skids are designed, engineered, fabricated, automated and tested in-house. This vertically integrated approach allows for open communication between disciplines, enabling rapid response times to any variances that occur during the project lifecycle. A qualified Project/Process Engineer is assigned to your project to facilitate discussions regarding site-specific requirements, integration concerns and final FAT protocols.
In addition to defining and configuring your system skid, GEA can further assist you to integrate CIP into your hygienic process and plant, ranging from conventional "make/break" manual flow panel methodology to the latest in matrix piping technology that utilizes mix-proof valve systems.
GEA's CIP units are designed to guarantee successful cleaning and reduced waste generation. They can be integrated for the single use recovery of cleaning media, for single or multi-stream routes as well as for online and offline cleaning and sanitization. Our units provide functionality for CIP/SIP configurable recipes for water rinses, chemical washes, blow down and air drying, sanitation (heat or chemical), and flow, pressure, concentration and temperature controls
Combined with our GEA VARIVENT® valves and spray jets ranges, our CIP systems provide a safe solution for product and cleaning efficiency. GEA also offers wash systems for mobile tanks and IBCs.
Cuando el productor surcoreano de alimentos de origen vegetal Pulmuone planteó a GEA el reto de desarrollar un giro moderno del tradicional fideo frío masticable (naengmyeon), los expertos en I+D de GEA estuvieron a la altura. Ayudaron a crear lo que ahora es un éxito comercial producido con menos agua y electricidad que los métodos antes existentes. El resultado también es fiel a los orígenes tradicionales del plato, así como a las raíces de salud, bienestar y sostenibilidad de Pulmuone.
El innovador proceso de GEA marca un hito en el pretratamiento de biocombustibles como el aceite vegetal hidrotratado y el combustible de aviación sostenible. Al eliminar el proceso de decoloración, los fabricantes se benefician de un importante potencial de ahorro: más de un 50% menos de costes operativos y hasta un 12% menos de emisiones de CO2.