Lyophilization Technology

LYOVAC® Small-Scale Freeze Dryers

Extending its range of LYOVAC® freeze dryers, GEA now offers both integrated and standalone equipment for the production of small-scale batches and formulation or process development

Pilot Freeze Dryer LYOVAC® FCM 10-P

The highly flexible standalone FCM 10-P freeze dryer from GEA has been designed for the production of small-scale batches and formulation/process development. Also available as a wall-mounted option, this two-chamber unit is configured to industry standards.

With a capacity of 10 kg and shelf space of 0.63 m², the FCM 10-P also benefits from easy-access doors and spare flanges for validation and/or additional equipment.

Using the same FALCO control system as the production unit, allowing direct recipe transfer during scale-up, the FCM 10-P is GLP/GMP-compliant.

Available options: 

  • IQ/OQ documentation and test performance
  • Wireless temperature sensors
  • Sterilization by VHP (VAPOVAC™) or steam depending on the availability of utilities
  • Process development service
  • LYOSPARK© controlled nucleation
  • LYOPLUS© mass spectrometer for silicone oil detection or alternative end-point detection

Capacity0,63m² shelf area

4 shelves

10 kg in in 24 h
Possible Load2608 of 2R vials

1352 of 6R vials

708 of 20R vials


A combination of isolator and machine modules, VarioSys® provides a quick and flexible way to process liquid, powder or lyophilized product in vials, ampules, syringes or cartridges. Operating in a Grade C environment, filling and capping systems can be quickly and easily interchanged, reducing in both footprint and equipment costs.


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