IBC Blenders

GEA's wide range of container blenders offers the most flexible and highest quality blending solutions available today.

Container blending is recognised as being the most cost-effective and productive method of blending granules and powders in the pharmaceutical manufacturing process. Reduced loading and unloading times, reduced cleaning times —  both machinery and room — improved containment and batch integrity have established container (IBC) blending as the pharmaceutical industry’s technology of choice.

R&D, small-scale and full-scale pharmaceutical production blenders provide simple transfer of process technology during scale-up, thus minimizing process validation activity. 

This is fully supported by GEA's detailed research programme and testing facilities. Hoist- and pedestal-mounted versions are available as well as through-the-wall designs, which offer significant room layout benefits. 


GEA Insights

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

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Servicios GEA: El salvavidas tras las líneas de producción mundiales

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Una nueva planta de bombas en Polonia reconfigura la fabricación higiénica

La planta de GEA en Koszalin, Polonia, marca un hito en la producción de bombas higiénicas. Este centro polivalente combina décadas de experiencia alemana en ingeniería con una digitalización avanzada y soluciones escalables....

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