Contained Materials Handling

Contained Powder Sampling

Based on our BUCK® Valve technologies, GEA offers a range of contained sampling devices for the pharmaceutical industry.

BUCK® Sampler for Contamination-Free Sampling

Based on split valve technology, the BUCK® Sampler was specifically developed for gravity based process sampling applications in combination with commonly used product sampling equipment in processes such as granulation and drying. 

The sampler offers a fully contained sampling process, even maintaining a process-related pressure resistance during all stages of docking, sampling and undocking.

Principle BUCK® Sampler

BUCK® Sampler Principle

Undocked and Closed
Both the sampler and sample port are closed and sealed with a spring-loaded cover. 

Docked and Closed
Connecting the sampler to the sample port forms a secure seal, without needing to stop the process.

Docked and Open
Continuing to screw the sampler to the sample port will cause the two parts to open. Both covers, the sampler and the sample port form a completely sealed unit.

Disposable Hicoflex® Sampling Technology

The Hicoflex® Sample Bag is a fully contained sampling device that enables a process sample or the bulk material in a Hicoflex® Charge Bag to be taken through an Hicoflex® Adaptor. The approx. volume of sample that can be taken is 5ml.


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