Since the mid-90s, BUCK® has supplied dust- and contamination- free containment interfaces for the safe transfer of powders, particulates and tablets in the pharmaceutical industry. These interfaces ensure the protection of both people and products when charging and discharging highly potent APIs.
Typical applications include the contained charging of a reactor with hazardous materials, charging or discharging an isolator or process unit and/or discharging a tablet press. Ensuring high operator and product protection and no cross-contamination, Hicoflex® products are 100% FDA-compliant and produced under Class 5 cleanroom conditions.
They are easy to use and install, multi-purpose and enable visual product transfer confirmation. Suitable for powders, granules, pellets and tablets, solutions for specialized applications are available on demand.
La planta de GEA en Koszalin, Polonia, marca un hito en la producción de bombas higiénicas. Este centro polivalente combina décadas de experiencia alemana en ingeniería con una digitalización avanzada y soluciones escalables....