Test before you invest

GEA Food Processing and Packaging technology centers

Want to learn, experiment and innovate, without the risk of disturbing your day-to-day production? Our Technology Centers for Food Processing and Packaging are the place to go.

GEA Technology Center Bakel Team Food Solutions
Technology Center Bakel hall
Employer of choice - Bakel

Preparation | Marination | Processing | Freezing

Technology Center Bakel, the Netherlands

Whether you are testing a new set-up in your production flow or running a trial to optimise your food product: our team of food technologists is there for you.

Tim Pessers

Technology Center Bakel

Technology Center Frisco | Food Processing & Packaging

Processing | Slicing & Loading | Packaging

Technology Center Frisco, Texas USA

Our new, state-of-the-art facility provides customers with the opportunity to test and train on over 40 pieces of GEA equipment. We’ve found that customers benefit by evaluating processes for yield, quality and economic viability without disruption to their own processing and packaging lines.

Saad Toosy

Technology Center Frisco

Seafood and fish processing & packaging people

Processing | Slicing | Loading| Thermoforming Packaging | Vertical Packaging

XLab Wallau, Germany

We offer our customers with the XLAB a unique feature: testing under real production conditions! This is happening thanks to the possibility of cooling down to 0°C the complete hall, not just the product to slice and pack.

Detlef Volmer

Manager XLAB Wallau

Tc New Food

GEA TC Bakel

Vous voulez apprendre, expérimenter et innover sans risquer de perturber votre production quotidienne ? Nos centres technologiques pour la transformation et l'emballage des produits alimentaires sont l'endroit idéal. Et c'est gratuit ....

Stay ahead with knowledge - Bakel Technology Center

Stay ahead with knowledge

We believe in sharing knowledge, creating partnerships and co-creation. With ingredient suppliers, universities and institutes, we define new processes, explore new food concepts and validate innovative technology.

Let’s test, remotely at Technology center Bakel

Let’s test, remotely

We are always there for you – even at distance. So if you can’t make it to our Technology Center, we’ll just do the testing for you. We design a test based on your objectives and show you everything that happens.

Steffen Eschenroeder

GEA Food Processing & Packaging technology centers

Let's test before you invest

Discover more about some of our facilities

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