Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA offers a diverse range of Carbon Capture Solutions designed to meet the unique needs of industries aiming to reduce their CO2 emissions. Our carbon capture equipment achieves a capture rate of ≥ 90%, significantly reducing emissions while optimizing energy efficiency. Whether in cement, steel, bioenergy, waste-to-energy, or chemical industries, our solutions are customized for high performance and industrial decarbonization.

Comprehensive Carbon Capture Solutions tailored to industrial needs

In sectors with high CO2 emissions such as iron & steel, glass, cement, and chemicals, companies must adopt advanced Carbon Capture Solutions to:

  • meet stricter emission regulations and contribute to global climate targets.
  • enhance energy efficiency with full capture solutions that lower energy consumption.
  • accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy by adopting proactive strategies to mitigate climate change.

GEA provides end-to-end Carbon Capture Solutions, from waste heat recovery and gas pre-treatment to CO2 capture, conditioning, liquefaction, or conversion into CO2-based products.

GEA Insights

Atteindre zéro émissions nettes avec les solutions d’ingénierie holistiques de GEA

Les industries de tous bords travaillent sans relâche pour atteindre les objectifs de zéro émissions nettes dans un contexte règlementaire et législatif toujours plus strict en matière de décarbonation. Simultanément, les entreprises...

À table avec … les nouveaux aliments : Préparer la nourriture de notre futur

Le café, le cacao, le lait, la viande, le poisson, les œufs : ces denrées de base reposent fortement sur l’agriculture intensive. Avec l’avènement des technologies à l’origine des nouveaux aliments, nous disposons de solutions...

Innovating patient care with aseptic spray drying

At GEA, our commitment to engineering for a better world fuels our pursuit of innovative solutions that enhance patient care and safety. One of our most promising ventures in recent years is aseptic spray drying – a technology...

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