CFA - Cyclone Filter

The self-cleaning cyclone filter separates the product transported in the pneumatic lines and filters any dust in the air.

The mix is piped into the sedimentation chamber where the product in the dusty air is separated. The product is deposited on the bottom while the dusty air flows back up the chamber to the bag filters; the residual dust collects on the bags, while the air flows through and out the top of the cyclone filter. The layer of dust on the bag filters is eliminated by a jet of compressed air that hits the bag filters in the opposite direction to the airflow at timed intervals. A specific manometer constantly detects the pressure loss between the two zones of the cyclone filter (checking the degree of efficiency of the filter bags). The machine consists of a frame and a cylindrical body holding the filter bags, while the bottom may be conical or fitted with a vibrating extractor.

Key Features

• Internal surfaces painted with food safe print
• Machine suitable for operation under pressure or vacuum
• Highest hygiene standards
• No accumulation points
• Inspection hatch for filter bag cleaning and replacement
• Construction complies with local
• Stainless-steel construction

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