Single-Use Containment Systems

Since the mid-90s, BUCK® has supplied dust- and contamination- free containment interfaces for the safe transfer of powders, particulates and tablets in the pharmaceutical industry. These interfaces ensure the protection of both people and products when charging and discharging highly potent APIs.

The Hicoflex® high containment system for fast and instant materials handling performs a variety of functions simultaneously: it provides a reliable means of secure materials handling for transportation, an ergonomic docking system, a contamination-free way of transferring product, and a reliable sealing system for transport containers. It’s simple, effective and inexpensive.

Typical applications include the contained charging of a reactor with hazardous materials, charging or discharging an isolator or process unit and/or discharging a tablet press. Ensuring high operator and product protection and no cross-contamination, Hicoflex® products are 100% FDA-compliant and produced under Class 5 cleanroom conditions. 

They are easy to use and install, multi-purpose and enable visual product transfer confirmation. Suitable for powders, granules, pellets and tablets, solutions for specialized applications are available on demand.

GEA Insights

Atteindre zéro émissions nettes avec les solutions d’ingénierie holistiques de GEA

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À table avec … les nouveaux aliments : Préparer la nourriture de notre futur

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Innovating patient care with aseptic spray drying

At GEA, our commitment to engineering for a better world fuels our pursuit of innovative solutions that enhance patient care and safety. One of our most promising ventures in recent years is aseptic spray drying – a technology...

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