Coating is an important unit operation used to either modify color, give protection, for taste masking or to create a modified release form in pharmaceutical production. GEA is able to offer some novel as well as all typically used coater systems for particles, powders, granules, crystals, pellets and tablets.
NexGen Press® 30 with integrated ConsiGma® coater
GEA is an established supplier of coater systems for particles, powders, granules, crystals, pellets and tablets and is able to provide equipment for many of the typically used coating technologies and assist with the selection of the process that best suits your needs.
Coating is an important unit operation that’s used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry for the application of non-functional or functional coats (aesthetic, protective or rate controlling polymer films) and for the deposition of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) onto nonpareils (multi-particulate dosage forms). Applications include taste masking, color modification, physical protection and/or to create modified release forms.
Beyond efficient API layering techniques for multi-particulate systems, the pharmaceutical industry has an inherent need to accurately coat objects that are 3–30 mm in length (the most common size range for single-unit solid dosage forms) with APIs. These include tablets for oral administration and other delivery methods (human implantation, for example). Existing coating methods in this size range have coating speed and accuracy/uniformity limitations, particularly for the deposition of low dose APIs onto single unit tablet dosage forms.
Available technologies include fluid bed coating for smaller particles, such as powders, granules, seeds, crystals, pellets, and small tablets, a multipurpose processor that uses proven fluid bed technology to achieve granulation, drying and pellet coating (or tablet coating) in a single processor and a revolutionary tablet coater that accurately deposits controlled amounts of coating materials on tablets, even if they are hygroscopic or friable.
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Committed to providing flexible, modular equipment to support research and development in the pharmaceutical industry, the multipurpose AirConnect from GEA delivers a range of fluid bed processing solutions for small-scale applications.
The ConsiGma® TC modules are based on the GEA high-performance tablet coating technology that gently and accurately deposits controlled amounts of coating materials onto tablet cores — even if they are hygroscopic or friable.
FlexStream is a multi-purpose processor that addresses the shortfalls of traditional fluid bed processing, including linear scale-up, fully contained loading and unloading for Pharmaceutical applications.
Une gamme complète de technologies pour la recherche et le développement, conçue pour les applications à petite échelle. Elle couvre tous les aspects du dosage pharmaceutique à prise orale, les mélangeurs à fort taux de cisaillement, les sécheurs à lit fluidisé et les systèmes à enceinte unique pour la compression de comprimés, en passant par les...
ConsiGma Coater - real-time video of coating cycle
Pour nous, chez GEA, la réduction des déchets est importante. Nous sommes conscients qu’en exploitant la puissance de la technologie de la lyophilisation, nous pouvons transformer les denrées alimentaires en excédent en produits de valeur qui dureront longtemps, pour aider à réduire les déchets, allonger la durée de conservation et mettre en place un système agroalimentaire plus résilient pour les générations à venir.
Lorsque le producteur de denrées alimentaires à base végétale sud-coréen Pulmuone a mis GEA au défi de moderniser ses nouilles froides traditionnelles, les « naengmyeon », les spécialistes R&D de GEA ont saisi la balle au bond. Ils ont aidé l’entreprise à développer un plat, qui est aujourd’hui une vraie réussite commerciale et dont la production consomme moins d’eau et d’électricité que les méthodes qui existaient auparavant. Le résultat est, par ailleurs, fidèle aux origines traditionnelles de ce plat et aux racines de Pulmuone, qui sont la santé, le bien-être et le développement durable.