Comfortable cows laying down in freestall
DPC21 header
Development of number of animals
Milk summary by lactation

On any DPHerdStat report like the ones shown above you can select the design button (red circle) on the tool bar and change the report to show columns of data for each month, quarter, or year. You can also change the date period you’d like to analyze using the options on the left hand side of the screen. Make your adjustments and choose ok.

Design summary sheet
Expected dry offs and calvings

To see historical data for the last year, select the design button on the tool bar (shown in the red circle above). Then make the selections shown below to show only real data (no future projections), columns for each month, and showing the last completed calendar year. This will result in a graph like the one shown above for “Expected dry-offs and calvings”.

Design Summary Sheet 2
Days in milk
Culled cows report
Scheduled maintenance


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