FLOW4YOU - Yang Lindner – Indoor Sales Manager

“I simply like being precise and really looking at things”

Yang Lindner – Indoor Sales Manager

Yang Lindner – Indoor Sales Manager

A GEA employee since: 2008

Her three most pronounced character traits: honest, precise, and hard-working

Her advice for going with the flow: “You can achieve a great deal if you take one step after the other.”

Yang, what do you enjoy the most about your job?

“I simply enjoy analyzing things and eliminating problems. I always got a kick out of immersing myself in a challenge. This may sound a little strange, but that’s always been something I particularly enjoyed – getting to the bottom of things. And that’s what I do every day for my customers – I examine their needs very closely and endeavor to find the best possible solution for them. It’s obviously especially important that you ask precise questions, listen carefully, and really look at things. If you take this to heart, there’s a very strong likelihood that you will achieve a very good result and score some successes. And it simply feels wonderful when I see I’m successful.”

Do you have an anecdote from your working life that you would like to share with us?

“It’s not so much a story from my working life, but it’s nonetheless a story that’s indicative of my work at GEA Tuchenhagen. My uncle who lives in China and works in a very different sector, the automotive industry, responded as follows when I told him I had been taken on by the company: ‘Ah, yes, GEA Tuchenhagen! That’s an excellent company. Their work is outstanding and they have earned themselves quite a name as a result. You’ve made a great choice!’. I was totally taken aback that he even knew of the company. Obviously, I was already convinced I had made the right choice when I decided to work at GEA. But the fact that my uncle reacted to my new job in this way further corroborated my decision. His not only being familiar with the company but also having such positive associations with it speaks volumes.”

We’re obviously delighted to hear your uncle has such a positive impression of the company. But there are other companies that do good work in the same field as GEA Flow Components, too. Why, in your opinion, does GEA stand out here?

“The competition unquestionably has something to offer, too. But I think GEA’s corporate philosophy is something that makes the company unique. We’re interested in what the customers need and what requirements they have. If there is one solution to a problem, there are usually many others, too. But you can only recognize this if you look at things and analyze them very closely. And then it’s a question of analyzing them again – what’s the best solution and which solution helps the customer the most? This process of continuously checking, examining, and analyzing is something I simply enjoy. Thinking about my coworkers, I can say that this approach, this mindset, is firmly embedded in our team. And collaboration with the customers is absolutely essential to this. Without the right communication, you won’t have reliable data to base your analysis on. I think that’s something that makes us stand out in comparison and makes us the strong company we are – our attention to detail, our customer proximity, and our creative, far-reaching solution strategies.”

FLOW4YOU - GEA Flow components

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FLOW4YOU – Teamspirit! The people behind our hygienic valves, hygienic pumps, aseptic valves, and cleaners.
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