From R&D to production scale

White particles

GEA can provide the most suitable solutions and equipment in high-pressure homogenization process, both in laboratory activity and industrial production scale.

Commitment in research is necessary to keep the sight focused on future and improving.

The compact and practical Laboratory product line represents cutting-edge technology for testing the homogenization effect on final products, in order to validate with experts which parameters could better suit customers’ requests, setting them up to gain the best possible configuration.

With a user-friendly design and created for continuous operation, the Laboratory machines are perfect for processing nanoparticles, nanoemulsions and nanodispersions. The cell rupture process that these machines can offer is able to achieve 90% cellular lysis, hence why this working method has become the international standard in biotechnology.

The dynamic high pressure energy that our machines employ can reaches the peek of 2000 bar. Because of this feature, particles size can be conveniently and carefully reduced, giving the final products better organoleptic characteristics and product stabilization in time, avoiding natural effects of fluid alteration such asagglomeration, coalescence, sedimentation of particles.

Their high reliability, together with all the characteristics described above, make the Laboratory Homogenizers suitable for the pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical and cosmetic industries. In addition, by ensuring unique viscosity, brightness of color and enhanced flavor for edible products, these machines are also ideal for the food and dairy industries.

Homogenizers Table -Top line

Table-topHomogenizers are compact machines, ideal for testing small amounts of product and providing the same quality results achievable with industrial machines. Thanks to the minimal number of components, this practical product line exclusively guarantees easy installation and maintenance. Find out more >>

Homogenizers Pilot Plant line

Pilot Plant Homogenizers are standalone solutions, designed for continuous operation, easy maintenance and high usability. They are suitable for both small scale and industrial scale production. Find out more >>

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Stay on touch with GEA Homogenizers


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