Supporting customers in achieving their sustainability goals.

Carbon Capture

Image: Carbon capture - Skid container
Graphic: Carbon capture scheme


Use of excess heat from industrial processes and flue gases is the first step towards Carbon Capture & Utilization as the heat can be transferred to the carbon capturing unit and cover a significant proportion of the required heat for CO₂ desorption.

Gas Pre-Treatment

An important prerequisite for carbon capturing is the pre-treatment of the flue gas to ensure the long-term stability and performance of the carbon capturing system. GEA offers various solutions to remove solids, aerosols, sulfuric and nitric oxides and more.

CO₂ Capturing

The current state-of-the-art process for large scale CO₂ capturing is the chemical absorption with amines. GEA offers amine-based CO₂ capture plants of various sizes, allowing CO₂ capturing from very diverse exhaust gas compositions.

CO₂ Utilization & Sequestration

The captured CO₂ must substitute fossil carbon to avoid anthropogenic GHG emissions. This can be achieved through the use of CO₂ for producing CO₂ based products or by liquefying and sequestrating the CO₂ in long-term storages - to name some examples.

Carbon Capture

CO₂ savings come from reducing fossil fuel demand either by increasing energy efficiency or by separating CO₂ from flue gas streams along with long-term fixation in valuable products or storage. GEA offers products and processes for all relevant stages.

Carbon Capture Solutions

GEA´s Carbon Capture technologies support the sustainability goals of our customers by enabling a complete, fast and cost-efficient adaptation to future industry standards.

Getting tough on industrial emissions with CO₂ abatement and carbon capture technologies

To meet global warming targets, industry must further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. In high CO₂-emitting sectors, GEA solutions are having a significant impact, helping customers reduce harmful emissions, improve their energy efficiency and facilitating their journey towards carbon-neutral production.

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