Michel Hörster, Emsland Group (a sinistra) e Martin Neugebauer, GEA (a destra), discutono la tecnologia dei decanter per la lavorazione delle proteine di patata nello stabilimento di Emsland Group a Kyritz, Germania.
The Emsland Group is the expert in the field of breaking down the potato into its individual components, which greatly increases its versatility. For example, starch and starch derivatives are used as thickening and binding agents in the food and paper industry; dextrins, are used as coatings and are responsible for making our French fries really crispy; and fibers and proteins, are used in animal feed. In short, nothing of the potato need go to waste.
Getting the best out of this fruit is a challenge, providing Emsland Group employees constant motivation to improve systems and processes. The same applied to the construction of their new protein plant at the Kyritz factory. With GEA as plant designer for the entire engineering of the process line, including delivery and integration of the decanter, they have found the right partner for this.
- Michel Hörster, Department Head, Emsland Group,Kyritz, Germany