Trade press release

GEA presents pharmaceutical GEA ASEPTICSD® spray dryer at ACHEMA 2024 in Frankfurt

May 29, 2024

Sterile filter arrangement for process gas inlet. (Photo: GEA)
Sterilization using pure steam is the preferred and proven method within the pharmaceutical industry. For complex designs and where the product is in contact with the equipment surface, air pockets must be removed by applying vacuum. These demanding requirements are met by the new generation of GEA ASEPTICSD® Spray Dryers (patents pending). (Graphic: GEA)

Sterilization using pure steam is the preferred and proven method within the pharmaceutical industry. For complex designs and where the product is in contact with the equipment surface, air pockets must be removed by applying vacuum. These demanding requirements are met by the new generation of GEA ASEPTICSD® Spray Dryers (patents pending). (Graphic: GEA)

Dr. Michael Golek


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GEA è fra i principali fornitori dell'industria di processo alimentare e di una vasta gamma di altri settori. Nel 2019 ha realizzato un fatturato consolidato di circa 4,9 miliardi di euro.

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