The respect for human rights is part of the DNA of our company
GEA considers respect for human rights to be an integral element of the company’s DNA. We can only make an effective contribution to our goal of “Engineering for a better world” if everyone who comes into contact with our company respects human rights. This applies as much to each of our employees as it does to all of our subcontractor employees, all suppliers and all customers. In specific terms, this means rejecting child and forced labor and human trafficking, complying with the applicable safeguards for young workers, combating all forms of violence and discrimination, recognizing the right to fair working conditions and a living wage, observing working hours and rest periods as well as providing a safe workplace for all employees. GEA also considers freedom of association, the protection of indigenous and local communities and a clean environment to be fundamental human rights.
In 2022, GEA prepared for the entry into force of Germany’s Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains (LkSG) by initiating and implementing various measures. As a result of these preparations, the company was, for instance, able to ensure compliance with the LkSG in 2023. GEA harnessed its own management process to analyze the risks of human rights violations in its own business operations and in its supply chain.
Through the risk management approach, we have applied to our supply chain and our own businesses since 2022, we have increased the options currently available to us for preventing violations of human and environmental rights.
Stefan Klebert
Chief Executive Officer
Report according the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)