A very compact unit that compensates waste of water needed for cooling purposes by recirculating the used water. Depending on the individual machine setup, the unit enables customers to save around 1 million l/a of fresh water by reusing and recycling resources that are already part of the production process.
A clarifier on an easy-to-connect skid for clarifying CIP media. The clarified CIP liquid can be re-used and thus the waste of fresh water, waste water and CIP media is reduced. CIPClean also facilitates a better and even stabler cleaning process, which ensures an increased performance of process components such as separator, evaporator and heat exchanger.
Waste water treatment with GEA decanters
The average amount of wastewater in dairies is 1-3 l/kg of milk, resulting in significant disposal costs. Following anaerobic/aerobic biological cleaning of dairy wastewater, our decanter technology offers a proven process for thickening and dewatering residual sludge, minimizing fresh water usage and the volume of residual sludge.
Trendsetting and sustainable: The DNA in every GEA centrifuge