


GEA の汎用性が高い加工装置と機械により、ベーカリー部門は想像力に富んだ新しいビスケットのレシピ、形状、形態、触感を開発して、消費者を誘惑することができます。

Standard biscuits

Popular around the world, wire cut cookies and simple biscuits still come in a huge range of shapes and textures. Crisp and snappy or buttery melt-in-the mouth, every biscuit should be enticing and full of flavor.

Filled biscuits

Co-extruded biscuits can hold a variety of jam, cream or chocolate fillings. Accurate depositing and precision filling are key to processing the highest quality products.

Double color cookies

Swirled, chequerboard, layered or marbled, dual color biscuits with or without filling can be processed using dedicated machines to create special shapes and patterns.

Decorated and Sandwich cookies

Decoration with icing, jam nuts or chocolate pieces adds individuality and a creative touch to favorite flavors and textures. Sandwich biscuits that contain jam or chocolate make indulgent treats.

GEA approach to cookies and biscuits production

Precision and efficiency in the production of bakery products represent fundamental pillars in the bakery industry and, in particular, in the production of cookies and biscuits. GEA is distinguished by its meticulous and careful approach; from the design of production lines for cookies and biscuits, to their specific implementation based on the needs of individual customers, every detail is designed to ensure maximum precision, enabling high productions of high-quality cookies quickly and with minimal waste. Moreover, in our technologies, we always strive to maintain hygienic designs to ensure safety in the finished products and streamline the cleaning processes.

lob depositors and extruders

GEA が提供する押出機と共押出機、オーブンシステムと冷却システムは、完璧なプレーンビスケット、デコレーションビスケット、フィリング入りビスケットまたはンドイッチビスケットを保証します。当社の最先端システムは、広範囲の生地、ミックス、フィリングに対応して処理できます。

GEA の機械と生産ラインは、高い効率、信頼性、持続可能性を実現するように設計されています。GEA の個別ローブポンプシステムを使用して行う生地の充填は、各ビスケット型ごとに適切な量のミックスが正確に充填され、完璧に形成された製品を製造し、無駄を削減することを保証します。機械が稼働中に作業パラメータの調整を行うことができるため、ラインの停止を最小限に抑えることができます。


当社の共押出機モデルは、オーブンバンドまたはコンベア上の焼成トレーのいずれかに直接 2 つの異なる生地ミックスと流体フィリングを同時に充填することができます。


GEA オーブンは、全てのビスケットが完璧な色と所望の触感を持つことを保証します。 ラインが定常状態で稼働している場合、当社のオーブンでは、オペレータが不要で、市場で最も厚く最も効率的な断熱システムはエネルギーとコストを節約します。

GEA は、お客様のために一層の努力を厭わず、イタリアにある 2 つの GEA ベーカリー体験センター (BEC) では食品加工技術に関する専門知識を提供しています。このセンターは、お客様が確立したレシピの既存工程を改善する上に役立つとともに、新たなレシピとベーカリーコンセプトの開発プロセスの支援にも有用です。レシピと工程は GEA のベーカリー装置と技術の範囲でテストされ、最高品質の製品を実現するため、最も効率的で費用対効果の高い持続可能な工程を案出します。BEC におけるエンジニアは、お客様の工場に納入される全ての GEA 機械の出荷時の試験も行います。

In the case where the cookie type is a sandwich,the dedicated sandwich cookie system automates the processes of biscuit overturning, depositing the filling and then capping, to optimize efficiency and throughput.
Depositors machine capptronic biscuits

Expert support

GEA Bakery Experience Center (BEC)

At the GEA Bakery Experience Centers (BEC) in Italy, our process and food technology experts work with customers to test and optimize existing and new recipes and production processes. A wide range of processing equipment and systems is available, including mixers, depositors, filling machines, pizza topping machines, ovens and packaging equipment. The BEC also test all machines that leave the factory, prior to delivery to our customers.
Uniform cooking, sustainability and savings

Ensuring the right color and uniform, and the right mouthfeel is something that should not be overlooked when going to produce cookies. These characteristics, which also depend heavily on the baking that is done on the cookies themselves. In fact, GEA tunnel ovens are able to ensure uniform baking of the product, moreover without requiring the presence of an operator. 
Image 5: Soft cookies leave GEA's new electric baking oven, which produces efficiently and CO₂ neutrally. Source: GEA

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the consumption factor, both from the point of view of saving money, but also from the need for greater environmental protection; our electric oven solutions, have the ambition of going to replace the current gas ovens, so as to facilitate a safe, efficient and ecological transition in line with current needs.




At GEA, allowing the development of new projects is our daily challenge. We can help you to design bespoke production processes, to analyze raw materials, to shape new formats, to test your products, and more. Share your project with GEA experts: it will be a pleasure to offer our expertise to improve your business.

Get the GEA Soft Dough Cookies brochure.

Streamline your bakery processes and boost productivity with GEA Soft Dough & Cookies brochure. Whether you're looking to increase output, reduce downtime, or improve product quality, our brochure has you covered. Explore the latest innovations in cake production technology and learn how GEA can help you achieve your bakery's goals.

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Butter, love and stainless steel: the perfect biscuit recipe.

GEA V-Packer IM-IV


Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA Service:世界の生産ラインを支える生命線

世界の4分の1のスパゲッティのパッケージ、2分の1のビール、そして4分の1の加工乳がGEAの機械に依存しています。生産ラインに問題が発生した場合、GEA Serviceが問題の解決や、その未然防止にあたります。機械やプロセスに関する知識をデジタルツールやソリューションと組み合わせることで、GEAはお客様の生産性をさらに高め、より持続可能な生産を支援します。





