Leisure & sport

Making leisure & sport cool

Refrigeration & heating - Leisure & sports
The leisure & sport industries offer a wonderland of activities for people to enjoy their free time. GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies’ expertise in large-scale cooling extends to ice stadiums, indoor & outdoor skiing facilities and bobsled tracks.

Pioneering Technology

We pioneered the use of the natural refrigerant ammonia for ice rinks and have since extended this to bobsled tracks. GEA’s freezing technology provides snow for indoor ski slopes, including the world’s biggest indoor ski resort in Dubai.

Our all-weather snow cannons enable ski centers to extend their seasons, supplying realistic and long-lasting snowfalls regardless of temperature or relative humidity. The snow they make lasts a long time and provides a


GEA delivers energy-saving chiller system for ice stadium

GEA's sustainable refrigeration solution reduces energy use and carbon footprint at Netherland's world-class Thialf ice arena. More at gea.com/leisuresport
winter sports

SnowWorld offers sustainable indoor skiing with GEA solutions

Thanks to cutting-edge GEA refrigeration and heat pump technology, SnowWorld can offer sustainable winter sports fun at five indoor ski centers in the Netherlands.

GEA Insights

Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative

On the menu: more sustainable eggs

GEA helps customers test and scale alternative egg products and ingredients made with precision fermentation.

Decarbonizing processes with industrial heat pumps

When it comes to improving the health of the planet, GEA takes a leading role. As one of our sustainability-focused strategic objectives, we are forging a path to help our customers across myriad industries to reduce energy use...

GEA center of excellence on olive oil

Building resilience into the olive oil industry

Learn how GEA supports the olive oil industry in times of climate change and sustainably improves the profitability of producers with innovative technologies.

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