Machine automation solutions for separation technology have been designed as intuitive as possible to ensure high usability and ease of maintenance. The controls offer many features for operation under various conditions in accordance with international standards regarding safety, quality and regulations.
Find out more about modern automation solutions for centrifuges here.
Integration, connectivity, data processing, security – GEA X Control takes automation solutions for centrifuges to the next level. The new centrifuge control from GEA Separation utilizes the technological progress in digitalization to address shifting customer needs.
New functions require more performance and that’s exactly what GEA X Control offers. Customers not only expect maximum yield and throughput capacity as well as top product quality from their centrifuges, sustainability aspects like energy and water consumption and the overall CO2 footprint become more and more important. GEA X Control and its highly increased data processing capacity is able to handle all those data.
The new interface for centrifuge controls
MTP (Module Type Packaging) is the fastest and easiest way to integrate new equipment and process stages into existing process lines and the overall process control system. No more burdensome exchange of long data lists and hardware contact descriptions to integrate your centrifuge into your on-site SCADA-system. The MTP interface provides all necessary data and improves the interoperability and standardization of automation systems, independent of manufacturer and technology. MTP is faster, less expensive and you are much less dependent on highly specialized experts.
GEA Cloud® connectivity via IoT gateway gives you access to your process data from wherever you are, whenever you want to. Cloud server solutions by GEA show your machine status, process data, trends, alarms - whether it is an upgrade for an existing machine – installed in an instant - or a brand-new installation. With standardized or customized dashboards, you are always aware of all real-time as well as trending and historical stored machine data.
With the GEA app you have access to your centrifuge data wherever you are, whenever you want to
But not only cloud computing will be easier in future, X Control opens up new possibilities for Edge Computing just as well. Processing power can be easily increased locally and used to implement new interfaces for integration into process line control systems. In addition, this involves the integration of AI algorithms - that is, the control system begins to learn, recognize patterns and draw conclusions. Thus both, our customers and GEA X Control are ready for Software as a Service.
It’s all about security: GEA's understanding of safety starts with the development processes for automation solutions. They are TÜV-tested and certified according to IEC 62443-4-1. With the new GEA X Control generation, various optional cyber security levels are added - adapted to individual customer requirements. For example, every control system runs an operating system, if there are security warnings from the manufacturer, an update is required immediately. With security update management, our customers are on the safe side with GEA X Control.
PR-OLEO® 高品質アンモニア冷凍機油は、高度に精製された二段階水素化分解潤滑油で、往復圧縮機またはスクリュー圧縮機を搭載したアンモニア冷凍システム用として特別に考案されました。
スクリュー/ピストンコンプレッサーコントロールのための直感的な操作性高性能でありながら、親しみやすい。知的なデザイン設計でありながら、直感的操作が可能高機能でありながら、シンプルな操作シンプルに – GEA Omni
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA separators and decanters
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