Boost your output and efficiency with cutting-edge automation and control

GEA Codex® Services

GEA Codex® Service solutions are designed to optimize your plant’s control system, including training, maintenance, support and security, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity while minimizing downtime and reducing costs.

automation framework for liquid and powder technologies

Investing in GEA equipment goes far beyond the initial purchase. We take a proactive approach to customer care with a range of service packages that have been specifically designed to keep your technology up-to-date, fully operational and compliant with current good manufacturing practices. Our focus is your peace of mind and eliminating downtime.

Maintaining and optimizing your plant’s control system is essential to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity. And, as your facility expands and technology continues to advance, keeping pace can be challenging. To help you achieve operational excellence, GEA Codex® Service solutions ensure that your control system delivers peak performance.

GEA Codex® Asset Care: Protect Your Control System from Security Threats

Cybersecurity is a top priority in today's interconnected world. As such, our services are designed to protect your control system and keep it safe from cyberattacks and other security threats. GEA Codex® Asset Care secures the longevity and optimal performance of your control system. Our solution includes regular audits and maintenance plans to ensure that your system remains up-to-date and operating at maximum efficiency. It also includes an asset management inventory to help you monitor and manage your assets effectively, ensuring that you always have the right equipment in place to support your operations. Discover more

GEA Codex® Remote Support: Maximize Your Uptime with Remote Monitoring

Our maintenance and remote support services are designed to minimize downtime and reduce maintenance costs. We use remote monitoring and diagnostic tools to solve unexpected situations before they become major problems. Our team of experts can quickly diagnose and find a solution to any issues that arise, ensuring that your plant remains operational and productive. Discover more

GEA Codex® Academy: Empower Your Workforce with Knowledge

Our service offering provides a flexible and convenient way to increase your team’s performance. Our experienced trainers have created training programs to meet your specific needs, allowing your personnel to learn at their own pace and in their own time. With interactive modules and practical exercises, our GEA Codex® Academy training platform provides the knowledge and tools necessary to get the most out of your control system. Our support staff are also available on request to provide guidance along the way. Whether you require on-site or online training, we offer flexible solutions to fit your schedule and requirements. Discover more

Offering proactive assistance, which helps customers to expedite troubleshooting and rapidly identify any issues, our services ensure that you are equipped with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to optimize your control system’s performance, minimize downtime and ensure the safety and security of your data and systems.

GEA enhances your performance and drives innovation by leveraging new technologies and incorporating current processes to meet changing business needs. We increase your productivity by providing direct access to a trusted expert who knows your business; our skilled engineers can give you the right advice, when you need it, concerning your machine, line or facility. Contact us today to learn how we can help you to optimize your plant's control system.



健康で幸せな乳牛は、持続可能な生乳生産を成功させる鍵です。したがって、乳牛を健康に保つことは、すべての酪農家の取り組みの中心にあります。個々の乳牛のニーズに合わせた適切な給餌、良好な飼育環境、新鮮な空気、水、光など、多くの要因が乳牛の健康に影響を与えます。しかし同時に、搾乳方法は乳牛の健康状態に大きな影響を与えます。GEAは「Good Cow Milking」の理念でよく知られており、家畜の健康と乳質においてより良い結果を出すために、常にさら...




コーヒー、カカオ、牛乳、肉、魚、卵。こういった毎日の定番ともいえる食材は、集約農業に大きく依存しています。ニューフード技術の台頭に伴い、これまで以上に持続可能な代替食品を使用できるようになりました。そこで今回は、GEA で液体・発酵・充填担当上級副社長を務めるライマー・グッテ博士と対談し、その可能性と政策について探ってみました。



