GEA Frying Oil Management(揚げ油管理)は GEA フライヤーと GEA Oberlin Frying Oil Filters(オバリン揚げ油フィルター)でその有効性が実証されており、チキンナゲット、肉なしスナックまたは白身魚のフライなどの天ぷら製品やパン粉フライ製品、コーティングされていない揚げ豚肉およびベジタリアン フライ製品の処理に適しています。
Food Now ウェビナー
GEA Food Now
Engineered for efficiency, safety, and reliability, GEA EasyFry offers great performance in delivering consistently high-quality fried products. With features such as adjustable oil flow, high belt speed, and advanced sediment removal mechanisms, EasyFry ensures optimal product orientation, uniform cooking, and reduced operating costs.
良好なろ過は、揚げ油の寿命を延ばし、製品の品質を高め、無駄を最小にするためには必須です。GEA Oberlinフィルター レンジは、GEAのフライ装置レンジに完璧にマッチする最新の高性能ソリューションであり、3種類の容量があります。
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.