Single Pot Processors

Whether your requirement is for mixing, granulation or drying, at GEA we have a solution for every pharmaceutical processing challenge. UltimaPro Single Pot Processors (One-Pot Processor) offer a choice of mixing, granulation and drying options integrated into one processing vessel. With our help, choose the most appropriate technique for the product.

Key characteristics

  • Flexible technology for standard wet granulation, melt granulation, pelletizing or effervescent production, combined with vacuum or microwave drying
  • Swinging bowl options during vacuum drying results in an improvement of the granule characteristics and a reduction in drying time
  • Easy and efficient cleaning (CIP) 
  • Compact technology – reduce space requirement by incorporating several processing steps into one machine


  • Contained production of highly active of toxic products 
  • Effervescent production 
  • Wet granulation using organic solvents 
  • Multiple product facilities requiring fast change-over 
  • ‘special’ applications (e.g. melt granulation, crystallization onto substrates)



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