Lange en gezonde levensduur van olie

Frying oil management

Oil is a complex and expensive commodity; managing it efficiently saves processing costs and ensures consistently high food quality for the consumer.

Filtratie van frituurolie met GEA Oberlin | Gefrituurde producten
GEA Technology Center Bakel Team Food Solutions

Technology Center Bakel

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New and used stock equipment

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Pre2Fuel: Cleared for takeoff

GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.

Het volgende tijdperk van voedselproductie met GEA NEXUS

Klimaatverandering en een groeiende wereldbevolking zetten de energie-intensieve voedselindustrie onder toenemende druk om meer mensen te voeden zonder de planeet verder te belasten. George Shepherd, GEA's Global Technical Sustainability Manager, legt uit hoe GEA zijn technische knowhow gebruikt om verwerkers te helpen duurzamer te produceren en tegelijkertijd de productiviteit te verhogen.

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

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