With a robust, ergonomic and compact skid-mounted design manufacturers are equipped for every application with the GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver system. It may be small in stature, with a space-efficient footprint, but the Powder Dissolver doesn’t skimp on either features or quality, making it the ideal tool for the production of up to 3,6 – 4,5T/h of fluidized powder with up to 50 % total solids (TS), in an affordable package. The GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver is designed specifically for those who do not need the highly advanced high shear vacuum mixer (GEA INLINE FORMULA® SOL High Shear Mixer).
With a design based on proven high shear mixing technologies, the GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver offers energy efficient, cost-efficient powder dissolving for multipurpose manufacturing but with a small footprint.
With the focus on flow characteristics the unit is designed to fluidize powder and hydrocolloids into liquid and meanwhile apply shear forces to the product. Compared to conventional addition of powder into the mixer tank with top-mounted agitator – the GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver will reduce the process time significantly. Achieving a homogenized product (without powder lumps) is crucial to keep the uptime on the downstream equipment.
Using a design based on proven high shear mixing technology with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to ensure optimum flow pattern, we can provide more accurate costing, achieve greater accuracy in design, provide better process insight and significantly reduce risk for customers.
We understand the challenges faced by customers when it comes to dispersing powder into liquid:
With the GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver, liquid accelerates over the specially designed injector creating a venturi-based effect. This core design enables the operators to fluidize high volumes of powder without facing issues of “back-flush” or powder blockages of the entire system.
Likewise, the Powder Dissolver is equipped with an integrated stator/rotor in order to apply shear forces to the product to ensure a rapid dispersion of powder and achieve a better, finer distribution of powder and ultimately a homogeneous mix. By using the same flow characteristics as a centrifugal pump, we achieve high recirculation flow over downstream tanks enabling a fast turnover.
A high amount of powder easily fluidizes into a liquid stream due to the combination of vacuum and the liquid injector. With this design, the operator can divert the flow into two streams – partly over the downstream storage tanks, partly over the Powder Dissolver itself. This special feature ensures multi-pass through the high shear mixing device enabling the operators to process applications even with high total solids (TS).
Compact and easy to ship, the GEA INLINE FORMULA® Powder Dissolver complies with the highest safety standards. Further design elements include
Toen de Zuid-Koreaanse ‘plant-forward’ voedselproducent Pulmuone bij GEA aanklopte met de uitdaging om een moderne draai aan de traditionele taaie koude (naengmyeon-) noodle te geven, konden de R&D-experts van GEA de uitdaging aan. Ze hielpen met de ontwikkeling van wat nu een commerciële hit is die met minder water en elektriciteit wordt geproduceerd dan de reeds bestaande methoden. Het resultaat is ook getrouw aan de traditionele oorsprong van het gerecht, evenals de wortels van Pulmuone op het gebied van gezondheid, welzijn en duurzaamheid.
GEA’s innovatieve proces is een mijlpaal in de voorbehandeling van biobrandstoffen zoals waterstofbehandelde plantaardige olie (HVO) en duurzame vliegtuigbrandstof (SAF). Door het bleekproces te elimineren, kunnen fabrikanten profiteren van enorme besparingsmogelijkheden: ruim 50% lagere bedrijfskosten en tot 12% minder CO2-emissies.